Hi everyone; The question you all have been asking, is WHEN? We are currently waiting for all 27 families that received their babies' referrals to complete and return documents of acceptance. Each family has medical reports reviewed and things like that. As soon as we all have sent them in, then the travel arrangements are made for the whole group. The agency makes appointments for us at the Consulate office as well as other places, they make our airline reservations, our hotel bookings, buses to take us everywhere, etc., so there's quite a bit for them to do. Once in China, we break into smaller groups and travel to the Province where our children are. Jimmy and I are with 3 other families so it's a nice small group. We have been in touch by email with them already and will meet the extended group at a mandatory Travel Meeting 2-3 weeks before the trip. We hope to go in early April and will get the word out as soon as we know so you can follow our journey on this blog.Meantime, I'll try and find things to add so the blog doesn't get too dull. Here's a somewhat sad face on the third photo we received, but she's still so gorgeous!
It's not easy being photographed all the time, a girl needs to get her rest...........
Ron and I are so happy and excited for you! She is a lucky girl getting two great people for parents. The waiting must be really tough, but having those pictures of your little one must help a bit.
Love, Karen
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