This post is one of 2 I intend to post today. Our neice, Sarah, recently got married and asked Laina to be the Flower Girl. She was very proud and excited to do it. I helped her prepare by telling her about her "Princess" dress and how special she will be to be in the wedding party.It was all I could do to keep her clean for the hour before the ceremony that they were taking pictures of the bride, her and the bridesmaids. There was a frog pond and she so-o-o wanted to pick one up. They gave her a "magic wand" made of real flowers and glitter and she walked down the aisle with her cousin, Jacob, who is just a little older and was the Ring Bearer. They held hands and rang all the bells and whistles on the Cute-ometer! The Groom and Ushers wore kilts, as did Jacob, which made him even cuter. Laina felt so important that when thy were giving the vows she stood RIGHT THERE and couldn't be cajoled back to us. She turned around and wagged her finger and whispered "No, Daddy, they're getting married!" and pointed to them. She wanted to hear every word. At the Reception, she was anxious to dance and kept asking me, "when can we dance? Can we dance now? ", eventually of course, they let us and she started by trying a slow dance with Jake. She held him tight but he kept his arms straight down, I think she was a little too enthusiastic! And then, "Mommy, I need to take off this hairband, and these shoes, and these tights, so I can DANCE! Oh, and can I change into a dancing dress?", she was so funny. I luckily had predicted this and had another, loose dress so she could show off all her moves. She and her Dad really rocked the house and I have a funny picture of them, standing in front of the fans, cooling off. All in all, she was a beautiful Flower Girl and a good girl and we all had a fantastic time. Congratulations to Sarah and Bill! And special thanks to John and Betsy for sharing their photos with me.