We've had a busy holiday. Laina went to see the Easter Bunny and had some fun at a Merry-Go-Round and Game room with our friends, Jeff, Marjory and their son, Luke who is 1 1/2. They stayed for the weekend and we all had a great time. When we were sitting next to the Easter Bunny for our photo, she stared at him and then suddenly said, "Thank you for the basket". It was so sweet. She really liked riding the carousel this year, last year she was a bit scared. She also rode a little car in the game room and tasted cotton candy for the first time. Yummy! A little while ago, my photographer friend, Lisa, invited us to a photo shoot at the beach where she was taking photos of 11 Black Lab puppies! Yup...11. Laina had a great time running around with them(so did we of course).