We are here, we are here! What can I say? Laina keeps us busy and life in general just seems to fly by so quickly. I find it difficult to spend time at the computer. Laina is a lot of fun at three years old, she has an extremely active imagination, it's hard to keep up. She invents a lot of things and we really have to try and remember them, because she does and they come up in our everyday play. For instance, she starts all her pretend games with "How about..., one day she said "How about you see a Hatzig bird", and I replied "What's a Hatzig bird?, her answer was "Hatzig birds are born with hats on so it is fun to see them and their different hats". A cool concept. This was about a month ago, and this morning she said, "Mommy, how about some Hatzig birds are lost and want to come in our house and live with us.." You really have to pay attention! She was a very cute monkey on Halloween, so there's a picture of her in her monkey hat. She helped her dad make applesauce, and of course wore her kitchen clothes...dressups are very important these days. There's another photo of her just hanging out in her favorite dancing attire. I am also including one of her with her training chopsticks, showing us that she can pick up a single pea, and another of her hiding in a recycling bag. One evening I heard Jimmy laughing to himself and asked him what was so funny. He just pointed and there on the telephone table was Laina's Little Mermaid phone, in our phone charger! It wasn't beeping very well and I had told her earlier in the day that it probably was running out of batteries. She obviously "gets it ". That's all for now, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monkey Business
We are here, we are here! What can I say? Laina keeps us busy and life in general just seems to fly by so quickly. I find it difficult to spend time at the computer. Laina is a lot of fun at three years old, she has an extremely active imagination, it's hard to keep up. She invents a lot of things and we really have to try and remember them, because she does and they come up in our everyday play. For instance, she starts all her pretend games with "How about..., one day she said "How about you see a Hatzig bird", and I replied "What's a Hatzig bird?, her answer was "Hatzig birds are born with hats on so it is fun to see them and their different hats". A cool concept. This was about a month ago, and this morning she said, "Mommy, how about some Hatzig birds are lost and want to come in our house and live with us.." You really have to pay attention! She was a very cute monkey on Halloween, so there's a picture of her in her monkey hat. She helped her dad make applesauce, and of course wore her kitchen clothes...dressups are very important these days. There's another photo of her just hanging out in her favorite dancing attire. I am also including one of her with her training chopsticks, showing us that she can pick up a single pea, and another of her hiding in a recycling bag. One evening I heard Jimmy laughing to himself and asked him what was so funny. He just pointed and there on the telephone table was Laina's Little Mermaid phone, in our phone charger! It wasn't beeping very well and I had told her earlier in the day that it probably was running out of batteries. She obviously "gets it ". That's all for now, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Flower Girl

This post is one of 2 I intend to post today. Our neice, Sarah, recently got married and asked Laina to be the Flower Girl. She was very proud and excited to do it. I helped her prepare by telling her about her "Princess" dress and how special she will be to be in the wedding party.It was all I could do to keep her clean for the hour before the ceremony that they were taking pictures of the bride, her and the bridesmaids. There was a frog pond and she so-o-o wanted to pick one up. They gave her a "magic wand" made of real flowers and glitter and she walked down the aisle with her cousin, Jacob, who is just a little older and was the Ring Bearer. They held hands and rang all the bells and whistles on the Cute-ometer! The Groom and Ushers wore kilts, as did Jacob, which made him even cuter. Laina felt so important that when thy were giving the vows she stood RIGHT THERE and couldn't be cajoled back to us. She turned around and wagged her finger and whispered "No, Daddy, they're getting married!" and pointed to them. She wanted to hear every word. At the Reception, she was anxious to dance and kept asking me, "when can we dance? Can we dance now? ", eventually of course, they let us and she started by trying a slow dance with Jake. She held him tight but he kept his arms straight down, I think she was a little too enthusiastic! And then, "Mommy, I need to take off this hairband, and these shoes, and these tights, so I can DANCE! Oh, and can I change into a dancing dress?", she was so funny. I luckily had predicted this and had another, loose dress so she could show off all her moves. She and her Dad really rocked the house and I have a funny picture of them, standing in front of the fans, cooling off. All in all, she was a beautiful Flower Girl and a good girl and we all had a fantastic time. Congratulations to Sarah and Bill! And special thanks to John and Betsy for sharing their photos with me.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy Third Birthday

Laina just turned 3 years old on August 12, it's hard to believe.She woke up that day and looked at her self and then said "Look Mommy, I'm enormous!" Yesterday she got out of bed and went to the potty by herself, she wants to choose all her clothes, and is basically wanting to do everything all by herself all the time. It's a challenge to encourage her but at the same time educate her on how things should be done. I have a lot of photos, we had a fun backyard party for her on Saturday the 15th and invited about 10 other toddlers. They had a great time in our 2 kiddie pools. We also had cupcakes at home on the 12th and gave her a new tricycle. She got a cool "make your own "saxaphone game from our friends, Robin and Hollis and she and Jimmy had fun making a double one.We had a lobster Feast and I have a picture of her with her Uncle Paul. There's a funny picture of her in a very small plastic bowl that I had given to her to play with on a hot day out on the deck. I found her sitting in it and then jumping out and sitting on the deck. When I asked her what she was doing, she said "making butt prints". Sure enough, there were some cute little, heart-shaped butt marks.She even got everyone to play this game at the Day Care. We also recently went to a Fair and took a couple of pictures of her on some rides with her friend, Ivy. There's a shot of her trying on some grownup sunglasses and maybe more...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Laina Marie-About to be 3
Hi everyone; We are still here, just busy busy. We are having a fun summer,the weather finally feels right. Laina is so very busy, it is exhausting just watching her. She is climbing everywhere, learning to skip and gallop. She has to do everything herself, like pick out her clothes and getting into her car seat, etc. We are constantly challenged by her unique ideas for playing pretend. I recently had to be a "scorpion named Jose', a zebra who lives under water and a carrot that talks when somebody tries to pick it. I am posting a bunch of photos for you: Laina and her Day Caregiver, Nancy at Fourth of July, a tea party with her little friend Brooklyn, painting at her easel, crabbing with Daddy, posing with both of us before going to a wedding, and riding on a boogie board. Maybe even more! Her third birthday is next wednesday and we'll be having a kids' party next weekend. We are doing kiddie pools, bubbles and water play. Laina can entertain herself with our hose for a whole afternoon lately. Last year she wanted nothing to do with the water so that's a new world for her. She blows bubbles and tries to swim in the tub or pool too. We are still working on potty training, getting rid of the pacifier, and big-girl manners. She has told me that she wants a big-girl bed now. She also informed me the other day that "I don't want to be an animal doctor anymore, I want to be a fairy". I told her that maybe she could be both, heal the animals with her wand...not sure about the fairy business, but a magic wand could sure come in handy!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
There's a First for everything
Laina has been a very busy girl. She had her first dentist visit and actually behaved. She usually freaks out and has a tantrum whenever she is at the doctor's so we were thrilled. She also had her first pony ride. She was so excited about it that she woke up before 5 a.m. and asked me "did the pony rides start yet? Will they have a big one? I want a big horse! I had to calm her down and tell her that it didn't start for hours and that we'd get there as soon as it opened. That same day, after the "real" pony ride, she also wanted to ride a mechanical horse outside a local market and then her wooden Rocking Horse, named Grandma when she got home. She informed me that Grandma now needs a saddle too. We've had at least one early beach day when some good weather snuck through, and some good clean fun at the playgrounds around here. She is at a "look at me!" stage, doing lots of jumping and twirling and climbing tricks.She adds after we watch each of her extraordinary feats, "babies can't do that!". Today we were mowing our lawn and she wanted her toy mower, so the 3 of us were all mowing it was very cute. She's growing out of all her clothes suddenly, jumping from 18-24 mos. to 3T. She wants a ponytail very badly so we are letting her hair grow, it's all over her face because she's too active to ever keep a barrette in. We lose one just about everyday. I'll throw in a couple extra photos to make up for the long time between posts.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Puppies, Horses and the Easter Bunny

We've had a busy holiday. Laina went to see the Easter Bunny and had some fun at a Merry-Go-Round and Game room with our friends, Jeff, Marjory and their son, Luke who is 1 1/2. They stayed for the weekend and we all had a great time. When we were sitting next to the Easter Bunny for our photo, she stared at him and then suddenly said, "Thank you for the basket". It was so sweet. She really liked riding the carousel this year, last year she was a bit scared. She also rode a little car in the game room and tasted cotton candy for the first time. Yummy! A little while ago, my photographer friend, Lisa, invited us to a photo shoot at the beach where she was taking photos of 11 Black Lab puppies! Yup...11. Laina had a great time running around with them(so did we of course).
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Yesterday we went to refinalize Laina's adoption.This is not required as when an adoption is from China it is finalized when you are there, and she became a U.S. Citizen as soon as we hit U.S. airspace on the way home. However, Laina has a Chinese birth certificate and the U.S. requires this refinalization in front of a Judge to get her a U.S Birth certificate. Everyone recommends it since it will make her life easier, getting enrolled in school, getting her driver's license and everything else you need it for. It gave us a sense of closure and we had friends come with us. Also, today is the anniversary of Gotcha Day, the first time Laina was put in our arms. We have so much to be thankful for. I think I'll keep this post simple, with a photo of us yesterday at the courthouse with the judge and maybe a couple of photos from the actual Gotcha Day 2 years ago. The best day of our lives!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chicks and Chips
This past weekend we attended a Family Day for the local school to celebrate spring. They had Face Painting, bean bag games, egg decorating, tissue paper flower making, and baby animals, as well as some other things. Laina had no interest in anything but the animals. We went into the room with baby chicks that the kids could hold and she held one, ever so gently in her arms for almost 45 minutes! It was so relaxed that it fell asleep and she absolutely refused to put it down. She was kissing it and cooing, it was so very cute. I had a hard time getting a picture because of the crowd. The yellow chick is the one she fell in love with, the brown is the first one she held.(we tried to get her to the other games at the fair but she just wanted to go back in with the chicks). When we got home later, we made some cookies and took a photo of her in one of her aprons with a chef hat on. She came up with the idea to make Daddy a really Big Cookie so we did and he was very happy about it as you can see. Laina was not happy at that point, it was naptime so she "hid" behind him and did not want to have her picture taken. At two years old, she can be an angel one minute and then suddenly turn into a big grouch, but we are managing. We've had to start time-outs and occasional loss of priveleges that she really wants, like books at bedtime.She told Jimmy one day that he wasn't the Boss, and when she is really angry she says "You're not my friend!". She is really testing her limits! The joys outweigh the frustrations always though, and she is growing up and learning quickly. What a kid!
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