Laina turned 2 years old on August 12. She is an amazing little girl and we are more in love with her everyday. Her vocabulary is excellent for her age, especially considering that she didn't even hear the English language until she was 8 months old. We gave her a tiarra to wear at her birthday party(with visiting family at our house) and she found her own unique way to wear it. Every day she surprises us and makes us laugh. I'll post that and one of her eating her favorite food, watermelon.All the pieces of melon in the picture are hers and she finishes them all. Another picture is just a really nice shot of her looking around a post that her cousin Amy took. Love it, Amy! Thanks. She does so many funny and new things each day. Yesterday, she walked away from Jimmy in the yard and just marched over to our next door neighbors' house. Jimmy called out to her "where are you going?" and she answered "visiting" and went right up to their front door and inside. They are close friends and she knows them but this is a huge change from the girl who doesn't go anywhere by herself. We have to watch her carefully but that's our favorite thing to do anyway! It's the Laina Show! Lately she has had a fascination with bugs and worms(calls worms, "slimeys" because of the worm on Sesame Street. We look for them and she inspects all the creatures we find very carefully. A magnifying bug jar was one of the gifts we gave her, and she 's having fun looking up close at all sorts of toys and things too. Maybe a budding scientist, who knows?